Education as a Tool for Change: 1 Dog at a Time Rescue reaches out to Romanian Schools

With dog rescue at its core, 1 Dog at a Time Rescue has always been committed to the welfare of the voiceless and the vulnerable. In a significant expansion of its mission, the charity has begun to utilise education as a catalyst for enduring change in Romania.

Rescue work is undeniably crucial, providing immediate relief for countless suffering street dogs. However, the charity recognises that true, sustainable change begins at the roots — with altering attitudes and instilling a culture of compassion and understanding toward animals, especially amongst the younger generation.

To make this vision a reality, 1 Dog has been diligently producing educational booklets and t-shirts, which they provide for free to teachers and schools across Romania. These resources aim to educate students about the importance of animal welfare, sparking a dialogue about humanity’s responsibility towards our furry friends.

The charity recently celebrated a notable milestone when Adina Marcu, a teacher at Școala Gimnazială, Grigore Silași, Beclean, incorporated these materials into her classroom. Her class, “Clasa a II a C,” showed remarkable engagement with the lesson, attesting to the effectiveness of these educational tools.

1 Dog would like to express its heartfelt appreciation to Ms Marcu for her dedicated effort in facilitating this vital lesson. We would also like to thank Mr Carcu, a local Councillor in Beclean, whose invaluable support made this session possible.

Leaders like Mr Carcu embody the spirit of community involvement that 1 Dog at a Time Rescue hopes to inspire. Their collaboration is instrumental in moving the cause forward, allowing the charity to broaden its reach and impact.

This initiative is not confined to one classroom. 1 Dog aspires to extend this educational endeavour to more schools in and around Beclean and Bistrita. The charity understands that each child reached is another step toward a world where animal welfare is not an afterthought but a foundational principle.

In fostering this shift in perspective, the charity aims to create a ripple effect of change, inspiring a new generation of animal advocates in Romania. This proactive approach combines immediate rescue efforts with a long-term vision for societal transformation.

We at 1 Dog at a Time Rescue would like to extend our deepest thanks to our supporters for making this work possible. Their commitment to the cause goes far beyond rescue and rehoming — it is shaping a brighter future for street dogs in Romania, one child and one dog at a time.

We’d love to chat…

Are you looking to adopt a dog?  Please find out more on our ‘How do I Adopt’ pages, where you will find costs and information on how to adopt one of our dogs.  To apply to adopt a dog, please complete a registration form in the first instance and one of our rehoming team will be in touch in due course.

If your query relates to anything else and you can’t find the information on our website, then please feel free to get in touch.

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