Eddie- In the UK


D.O.B: 21/02/2017




Medium sized. Approx 16kgs



Passport and vaccinations:





Eddie has been in the UK, in his adopters home for the last 7 years. However due to the home being more busy his adopter feels Eddie needs a quieter home

Eddie has written a little bit about himself below:

“Hi I’m Eddie, I’m 8+ years old and I’ve been living with my family since they rescued me at around a year old. My mum says I’m the bestest boy, I’m very loving and prefer to be with you all day but I can happily spend time on a comfy sofa for the afternoon if you are busy.

I like walks, I get very excited when I think I am going for a walk and I can make a bit of noise. However as I’m getting older strange sounds can spook me a bit and I like to stay close or go home when that happens. I tend to pull on my lead if I’m not encouraged to stay close. My Mum uses the ‘close’ command to get me to stay by her side and gives me small bits of frankfurter sausage when I get it right, it’s making me better at loose lead walking. I love food so I’ll do anything for a bit of sausage. If I pass another dog when out I can shout at them to go away but Mum has a good trick to help me with this too, we play the find it game. She throws a bit of sausage and tells me to find it, she will do this a few times, I am so busy sniffing for sausage that I let the other dog pass by without even a growl. My Mum keeps me on a lead and only lets me off for a run if there isn’t any other dogs about to worry me, I don’t really know if a dog is going to be nice or horrible so I often shout at them to leave me alone.

I do like to chase birds also, they are faster than me but I give the chase a good go. I come back most of the time when Mum calls me, it’s the sausage you see, I cant resist it. I don’t like cats, I want to chase them and I shout a lot when I see one (not even sausage works sometimes). If we stop on walks I can shout a bit to keep going, I don’t like standing around much, the find it game helps if Mum has stopped to talk to someone. My Mum washes my paws after a walk with warm water because I don’t like cold water (I’ll even avoid or jump over puddles).

I get my hair cut every 8 weeks because it can get a bit matted and it hurts when that happens. I don’t need much grooming because of this and I don’t shed lots of hair. Mum has me on Bella and Duke raw food, I eat ½ a tub in the morning and ½ a tub in the evening, I don’t try and steal food but I have a really good ‘share your food with me face’ when you are eating yours. I like to communicate with my voice, especially when I want to be in the same room as you and can’t or when you’ve stopped stroking me when we are having a cuddle.

My perfect day would consist of breakfast then a nice walk in the morning, with lots to sniff and allow me to leave ‘messages’ for others to sniff. Then to hang out somewhere safe and warm for the day. I would love company but I’m also happy with a radio to listen to. When you have time in the day I love to practice some training, sit, stay, on my bed etc. I also love to chew on a pigs ear, especially after a walk when I can feel a bit over stimulated. If its warm and sunny I love to lay in the garden. Evenings are the best when spent with my family, I love a fireplace to stretch out in front of or a sofa to have a cuddle on. At the end of the day I like to be shut in one room to sleep so I don’t feel like I have to guard the whole house, then I can truly relax.

I don’t need to be let out at night for a wee, I wait until morning. My favourite sleeping areas are in my open crate or on my raised bed. I love comfort, but like to have a floor to spread out on if the house is hot. It’s worth saying that if I am sleeping or napping in the day or night I can be a bit jumpy if I get woken up suddenly and I may growl or snap if someone is too close. I also like it if its dark and I cant see outside overnight so I don’t start guarding. I am an alert barker so my Mum doesn’t let me look out of windows in the daytime either because I shout to let her know when literally anything passes. I have a dog flap to come in and out to do my business in my back garden but I can also hold on if I’m let out a regular intervals.

I’m generally very healthy, the vets think I am in great condition for my age. I’ve got good healthy hair, eyes and teeth and I’ve not had to have any vets visits other than check ups and when my dew claws had to be removed because they were hurting my legs.

I take a while to trust some people. I’m naturally a bit nervous in noisy or busy environments, more now I’m getting older. When I meet new people they scare me if they lean over me and put their hand on my head, I let them know by growling. I have snapped at a couple of people I don’t feel safe around. I don’t like children to come up to me because they can grab at me and I don’t like that. My Mum tells people to ignore me so I can have a chance to sniff them and feel ok before they talk to me. Some people I meet I really like and I bark and lean on them to get them to make a fuss of me. If I really like you I do this a lot, Mum has to ask me to stop sometimes because I hog the people I like. I like to play bow in front of you and have you scratch my back and if I feel really safe I will roll over for a belly rub!

I hope that tells you a bit about me, I’ve done nothing wrong but my family has grown and it’s a very busy household now, which I struggle with, so I’m looking for my perfect retirement environment and in return I’ll be your bestest boy!”

Thank you for your interest in Eddie. If you would like to apply to adopt one of our dogs, please read the ‘How do I Adopt’ pages, where you can find more information about the process and the costs involved.
As you can imagine, each one of our dogs is very precious to us, they haven’t had the best start in life and therefore it is absolutely crucial we find the right homes for them. When you complete a registration form, please tell us as much as you can about why you are looking to adopt a dog and how you think you can meet their needs. Every dog is an individual and our amazing rehoming team will know exactly what type of home each dog needs to thrive. For example, will the dog cope with a small garden or is it the type of dog who needs to live in a rural environment? Will the dog enjoy being around children, or is it best suited to an adult only home? Will it cope sharing a home with other pets, or is it best as an only dog? Are you outdoorsy types who like to go hiking, or would you prefer a dog who is happy to snuggle up on the sofa with you? Our rehoming team will be very familiar with the needs of each of our dogs and the information you provide on your application form will help them to match you with the right dog.

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